export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin" # Add RVM to PATH for scripting
_COLUMNS=$(tput cols)
_MESSAGE=" FBI Warining "
y=$(( ( $_COLUMNS - ${#_MESSAGE} ) / 2 ))
spaces=$(printf "%-${y}s" " ")
echo " "
echo -e "${spaces}\033[41;37;5m FBI WARNING \033[0m"
echo " "
_COLUMNS=$(tput cols)
_MESSAGE="Ferderal Law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for"
y=$(( ( $_COLUMNS - ${#_MESSAGE} ) / 2 ))
spaces=$(printf "%-${y}s" " ")
echo -e "${spaces}${_MESSAGE}"
_COLUMNS=$(tput cols)
_MESSAGE="the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or exhibition of"
y=$(( ( $_COLUMNS - ${#_MESSAGE} ) / 2 ))
spaces=$(printf "%-${y}s" " ")
echo -e "${spaces}${_MESSAGE}"
_COLUMNS=$(tput cols)
_MESSAGE="copyrighted motion pictures (Title 17, United States Code,"
y=$(( ( $_COLUMNS - ${#_MESSAGE} ) / 2 ))
spaces=$(printf "%-${y}s" " ")
echo -e "${spaces}${_MESSAGE}"
_COLUMNS=$(tput cols)
_MESSAGE="Sections 501 and 508). The Federal Bureau of Investigation"
y=$(( ( $_COLUMNS - ${#_MESSAGE} ) / 2 ))
spaces=$(printf "%-${y}s" " ")
echo -e "${spaces}${_MESSAGE}"
_COLUMNS=$(tput cols)
_MESSAGE="investigates allegations of criminal copyright infringement"
y=$(( ( $_COLUMNS - ${#_MESSAGE} ) / 2 ))
spaces=$(printf "%-${y}s" " ")
echo -e "${spaces}${_MESSAGE}"
_COLUMNS=$(tput cols)
_MESSAGE="(Title 17, United States Code, Section 506)."
y=$(( ( $_COLUMNS - ${#_MESSAGE} ) / 2 ))
spaces=$(printf "%-${y}s" " ")
echo -e "${spaces}${_MESSAGE}"
echo " "
“The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time.” – Tom Cargill
标 题:iterm2下实现FBI WARNING